Welcome to the Tracking Colour objects database. It contains information on ancient artworks from the collections of the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek examined for their original polychromy.

All objects 173 objects


  • Bust portrait of Roman

    • IN 780
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The bust is made of white marble with a yellowish-brown patina. The nose has been broken off and the ears are damaged.
      The name of the man has been painted on the small inscription tablet beneath the bust, but is no ...

  • Statue of a bull

    • IN 3390
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The statue is made of white marble. Most of the legs, horns and ears is broken off, and the surface is weathered. Red pigments can be seen with the naked eye in the right ear, corner of left eye and the tuft of the ta...

  • Attic votive relief

    • IN 1430
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The relief is made of white marble, probably Pentelic. Five figures are rendered in high relief, and the bearded man on the right is leaning on a stick which was originally painted on.

  • Female statuette

    • IN 2630
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The statuette is made of limestone. The lower parts of the leg and foot are missing. The right side of the face is severely damaged.
      Traces of red paint are visible to the naked eye on the dress and in the hair.

  • Votive relief

    • IN 2345
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The relief is made of fine-grained, white, micaceous marble. The tenon (9.5x9.5x10) for insertion and bordering area has been broken off and has been reattached, and the nose of the man is damaged. Traces of colour in...

  • Head of Zeus/Jupiter

    • IN 1819
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The head is made of white marble. The nose is missing.
      Traces of red-brown paint can be seen with the naked eye in the hair and beard .

      In July, 2002 the head was given a new plinth.

  • Funerary altar

    • IN 861
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The altar is made of white marble. Tip of each nose (on the half-figured double portrait of a married couple), the columns (flanking the portrait) and the edges slightly damaged; the woman’s right thumb has been broke...

  • Archaising marble relief

    • IN 1623
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The relief is made of Carrara marble. It is assembled from five large and several smaller individual pieces.
      Frederik Poulsen argues (Poulsen, 1951) that the bearded man with the drawn sword on the right is missing a...