Welcome to the Tracking Colour objects database. It contains information on ancient artworks from the collections of the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek examined for their original polychromy.

All objects 173 objects


  • Upper part of Attic grave relief

    • IN 461
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The relief fragment is made of white marble. There are small damages on the surface and the acroteria, and the elbow of the standing woman is chipped off.
      Traces of red paint can be seen with the naked eye on the wom...

  • Bust of Asklepios

    • IN 598j
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The bust is made of white marble. The nose, many of the curls and the front of the wreath were reworked prior to restoration.
      A reddish patina in the hair and beard can be seen with the naked eye.
      In 2003 the bust w...

  • Head of a man

    • IN 598b
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The head is made of limestone, and traces of red paint can be seen with the naked eye on eyes and mouth.

  • Figure of a man.

    • IN 3614
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The figure is made of limestone. The lower part of the body is missing and the head has been broken off. The nose is damaged, and there are some marks on the body.
      Traces of red paint are visible to the naked eye on ...

  • The Strangford Shield

    • 1864,0220.18
    • Roman marble copy of the shield of the gold and ivory statue of Athena from the Parthenon.
      Traces of the original paint remain. The shield was traeted in 1998 for permanent exhibition.