Welcome to the Tracking Colour objects database. It contains information on ancient artworks from the collections of the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek examined for their original polychromy.

All objects 173 objects


  • Portrait head of Tiberius

    • IN 1750
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • This report presents the work on a Roman marble portrait of the emperor Tiberius dated to the 1st century CE. Red is predominant the polychromy of the portrait and is visible to the naked eye on the hair and in areas ...

  • Finial of Attic grave stele

    • IN 1409
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The stele is made of white marble probably Pentelic.
      The stele has been examined with Visible Indiced Luminescence. Traces of Egyptian Blue was documented on the acanthus leaves and the volutes, and some on the "back...

  • Tomb Lekythos

    • IN 2564
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The lekythos is made of white, fine grained marble. The neck is missing, and the foot is new in plaster.
      Traces of the original painted decorations on the neck are still visible to the naked eye. On the painted areas...

  • Grave relief.

    • IN 2558
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The relief is made of white, probably Pentelic marble. The lower right hand corner and the two side acroteria with the corners of the pediment are missing, along with the right arm of the woman and part of the right a...

  • Head of woman

    • ÆIN 360
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The head is made of limestone. The nose is missing and the surface is weathered. Traces of red colour can be seen with the naked eye on the head-dress.

  • Head of a woman

    • ÆIN 362
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The head is made of limestone. The tip of the nose is missing, and the surface is weathered. Traces of red paint can be seen woth the naked eye on the neck, lips and head-dress.

  • Head of a man

    • IN 324n
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The head is made of limestone. The tip of the nose is missing, the surface is meathered and it has a "deep cut":/objects/120/attachments/287 over left side of the face and hat. Traces of red paint can be seen with the...

  • Two fragments of a relief

    • IN 459
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The two relief fragments are made of a white, fine-grained marble with a golden patina, probably Pentelic.
      There are no traces of original paint to be observed with the naked eye. The fragments have been examined wi...