Welcome to the Tracking Colour objects database. It contains information on ancient artworks from the collections of the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek examined for their original polychromy.

All objects 173 objects


  • Head of a woman

    • IN 1937
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The head is made of white marble. Dark brown lime deposits can be seen on the surface on the left side of the hair and face, though these have been removed by cleaning from the rest of the face.
      Traces of red paint ...

  • Portait bust of Livia

    • IN 1444
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • Portrait of Livia.

  • Portrait bust of Augustus

    • IN 1443
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • Portrait of Augustus.

  • The Rayet head

    • IN 418
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The Rayet head has traces of colour on both face and hair. Along the rim of "both eyes":/objects/20/attachments/668 and above the left eye as well as on the lips scattered traces of red is found. Also, on and between ...

  • Portait bust of Tiberius

    • IN 1445
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • .

  • Cinerary Urn

    • HIN 60
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • On this "Etruscan":/objects/113/attachments/304 urn extensive traces of original polychromy is visible to the naked eye. It was found that a fairly wide "palette":/objects/113/attachments/321 of pigments was used espe...

  • Acroterium

    • IN 471
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The acroterium is made of limestone and is intact.
      It has been examined with Visible Induced Luminescence with positive results. "Luminescend pigments":/objects/47/attachments/284 can be seen on the decoration of the...

  • Side wall of naiskos

    • IN 2807
    • Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek
    • The naiskos is made of white marble with a crust of calcite. The upper and lower edges are broken.
      The naiskos has been examined with "Visible Induced Luminescence":/objects/105/attachments/293 which revealed the use...